Our story
In order to know who Alexis was, you have to know her Journey and how I came to be her mother. I became pregnant with Alexis at the age of 13. I was so afraid and in denial of my pregnancy- By the time I told my mom I was pregnant I was a little over 6 months along and we had just under 2 months to prepare for a baby. Being pregnant at 13, shocked everyone. It shocked me, I didn’t think anything like this would ever happen to me. I had plenty of people tell me to give her up, there’s no way I can be a mom at 13. Let alone a good mom. I was told I would end up being a statistic. That I would have a hard life and I had none of the support or resources I needed to be successful. I had people offer to adopt Alexis at one point. There really was no logical reason to keep this child with my current circumstances.
What I didn’t realize at that time was that the holy spirit was telling me to keep my baby. This voice was loud, clear, and gentle and I could not ignore it. I listened and I continued on with my pregnancy with full intent of raising my child- even though I had no idea how I was going to do that. I finally went into labor on my 14th birthday January 23, 1999 and I remember thinking to myself ‘how neat it would be to have a child who will share the same birthday.’ When I arrived in the hospital, the nurses came to me and told me it wasn’t time yet. That Alexis was still under 5lbs, her lungs were underdeveloped and she would have been in the NICU if I delivered that soon.
I was put on bedrest for 2 weeks and on February 8th 1999 at 5:45 in the morning Alexis was born. She is the only child that I can remember her birth weight to the ounces, because she was so tiny. She came into this world at 5lbz 8oz. She was perfect.
Alexis was truly sent to me by God. Having a child that young, caused me to have my own set of troubles. However I wouldn't have traded those for the world. She saved me from myself, those around me and truly was my inspiration for so many years to want to be a good example for her.
Alexis was in my mind and will always be the Matriarch of our family. We all ran to Alexis in some way. She was the glue in so many of our family dynamics and was the best big sister anyone could ask for. She always made you feel welcomed, she never judged and had an open mind about most things and people. I am so proud to have a daughter who left quite the legacy in the short 22 years she was here.
Until I see you again my love, I will run to you in my dreams.
If you knew Alexis, then you knew about her family. Alexis loved her family, she always wanted to hang out with her brothers and sisters. Alexis has 3 brothers Marcellus, David, Benjamin and 2 sisters Elizabeth and Aysiah.
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